Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Audio Moblog With Jim Condit, Jr. - Continuing Our Post Iowa Straw Poll Update

The main topic of today's interview is:

The behavior of the paid employees of the Ron Paul Campaign

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1 comment:

lv911truth said...

Mr. Smart and Mr. Condit, THANK YOU for all you do! YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!

I was also on that national call. I also heard Heather Olson and her husband talk. They both made me sick. Our grassroots people were screaming (figuratively) about the possiblity of vote fraud, and this woman was saying it's no big deal, we're wrong to question the GOP, etc. Her husband made some FOX NEWS style remark about conspiracy theororists. We ARE right to want an open count. We have evidence. All we want is a fair election.

Please do not ever give up. Please keep on fighting this corruption where-ever we find it. You people are an inspiration to us all.