After a careful investigation, I have decided against seeking a recount in New Hampshire. I am confident that not asking for a recount is the right decision.
I carefully considered the arguments for and against a recount before instructing my campaign staff not to pursue it. Without a firm belief that vote fraud had taken place, and without the possibility that a recount would have increased the chances for success of our campaign, a recount would have diverted campaign resources, time, and energy away from crucial battles elsewhere.
We have taken concerns about vote fraud seriously. In Iowa, campaign volunteers carefully monitored the caucuses. Campaign staff placed Paul supporters in every precinct to watch and verify the voting and count. We had supporters phone in results from their precincts to a campaign hotline while others ensured that those numbers were reflected on the official display board at the Polk County Convention Center. The numbers our caucus watchers reported agreed with the official tally, and both results also aligned with the campaign’s internal polling. In relatively pro-Paul counties, our sampling pegged support at 11.5%. This is consistent with an overall 10% finish for the entire state.
Read more.
Editor's Note: Vote integrity is more important than any other issue Ron Paul - or any candidate at any level for any office in any state or country - and We The People face. At the very least, Ron Paul owes We The People and his thousands of supporters among the grassroots a press conference which addresses and acknowledges vote fraud in America while supporting the decisions Dennis Kucinich (Democrat) and Albert Howard (Republican) recently made to order a recount of the New Hampshire vote.
Ron Paul and his campaign staff need to acknowledge and support any and all efforts that can help restore public trust in an election system, the legitimacy of which, is founded in two vacuous words: "Trust Us...."
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