Using the Voter Verification Affidavit when your ballot is being processed by
New Hampshire Affidavit (There are 302 polling places in New Hampshire. 137 use paper ballots and are counted in the open before all witnesses. These 137, such as Richmond, New Hampshire, are conducting an open, verifiable, constitutional election. 175 polling places are using computers to optical scan paper ballots. The ballots then disappear into the computer. In New Hampshire, the law allows each polling place to take the ballots out of the computer at the close of the polls (about 7 PM EST in most places in NH), and count the paper ballots in front of all witnesses. IF any local polling place will not remove the paper ballots from the computer and count they in the open, then these polling places are running an unconstitutional election, and every voter at such polling places must use a Voter Verification Affidavit to make sure his or her vote counts. In other words, if we get 80 affidavits for candidate X, and the computer count only shows 40 votes for candidate X, we have proof of a fraudulent computer count.) Click here for the New Hampshire Affidavit.

Voter Verification Affadavits
Download Voter Verification Affadavits to hand out at polls:
(Voters should hang onto the original and mail a copy).
Visit the Liberty Broadcast Network for more information.
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