Following the newly adapted Vote Rescue Approach in Texas for Affidaviting Votes
From: Mitchell Stein, Founder of RonPaulVoteCount.com
Hello All,
Great News. A great moment for affidaviting votes in the Austin, Texas area is occurring, and we need to join in with it, to consolidate efforts, and not cause confusion. The voting integrity organization that many of us know and love, Vote Rescue, is now going to do an affidavit approach, instead of the “Exit Poll” type approach (where their definition of Exit Poll included sampling not every voter, but only every few number of voters) they were doing previously. All RonPaulVoteCount Precinct Coordinators in the Austin, Texas area to attend one of their training sessions, of which there will be 3 or so over the next few weeks before the Texas Primaries. They are also doing this in conjunction with another organization, www.projectvotecount.com.
Click here for more.