Monday, August 20, 2007

Announcing a new event for Americans for Verifiable Elections!

What: Texas Straw Poll

When: Friday, August 31, 7:00 PM

Where: (A location for this event hasn't been chosen yet)


Texans for Real Elections, which includes VoteRescue, Independent Texans, Project for the New American Citizen, and the Texas Motorcycle Riders Association (among others), in conjunction with Vote In Sunshine will be monitoring the Texas Straw Poll on Friday, August 31st and Saturday, September 1st in Fort Worth, at the Fort Worth Convention Center, and YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! CAN YOU COME TO TEXAS AND REPEAT the EXCELLENT job you did in Ames, Iowa? We hope so! We will give you a BIG Texas welcome!

Volunteers are needed as videographers, and for one or more of the following: conducting a simple exit poll; gathering signatures for a petition; distribution literature, counting voters coming out of the Fort Worth Convention Center, and other possibilities.

We have learned that paper ballots will be used in this Straw Poll election, and we are confirming the counting method. We assume it will be optical scan counters, in which case, massive monitoring efforts will be needed.

If you can be in Fort Worth Friday and Saturday, August 31st and September 1st, please contact:

Karen Renick

Learn more here:

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dark Cloud Descends Over "Unofficial" Iowa Straw Poll As Ron Paul Take 1st in NH & AL and 3rd In IL

Where’s the Corporate Media on These Two (New Hampshire and Alabama)? And let's not forget Ron Paul's recent (8/16) 3rd place finish at the Illinois Straw Poll - see this link.

Editor's Note: The Iowa GOP and Iowa State & County election auditor's office have yet to count all the paper ballots in the 2007 Iowa Straw Poll. Where are the ballots? Why are the paper ballots being kept away from We The People? Why do these officials refuse to count the paper ballots from the 2007 Iowa Straw Poll in the sunshine before We The People with the cameras rolling?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Interesting Comment

This came in as a comment on one of our videos uploaded to

evoldfield (1 day ago)

The FEC shows that Ron Paul received more donations from residents of Iowa than Huckabee, Tancredo, and Brownback.

Diebold on the Run?

On August 17th, 2007 Schvenzlerman over on DailyPaul reported:

I'm ripping off the following news from someone else:

New evidence revealed in Dan Rather Reports' "The Trouble with Touch Screens" raises serious questions as to whether US voting systems companies have committed commercial fraud in jurisdictions across the country. Visit to see the video and sign a petition to ask Congress to start an investigation. The American people need to know, to the fullest extent, how this private influence and control has compromised our democracy

Nice Plug From

Vote in Sunshine / Americans for Verifiable Elections

Posted August 16th, 2007 by Schvenzlerman

This group(s) is geared toward 1) exposing the fraud of using computer voting machines (unreliable and hackable) and forcing legal action to 2) remove the machines and/or 3) require use of paper ballots that will be counted in public under video. Their work is very worthy and these people should be considered patriots.

See these two sites: and

Read more here.

Editor's Note: Thanks very much Daily Paul! We'll try to get the bottom of this "screaming" behavior you wrote about. Some of us have been known to scream/chant for our favorite Presidential candidate. One in particular did raise his voice when the Iowa Straw Poll security guards attempted to remove him from a polling room - see below.
All in all we are a pretty diverse, if passionate bunch of individuals that come from all over the country who simply seek a return to the use paper ballots that can be counted in the open sunshine in view of We The People.

PS. We The People Foundation and other plaintiffs - some of whom are with the Vote In Sunshine coalition - were behind the lawsuit that was filed in Federal Court in Des Moines last week. Funding and support for Vote In Sunshine and Americans For Verifiable Elections is being run through Network America which is part of Citizens For A Fair Vote Count. You can make a one-time donation to this cause at this link.

Iowa Straw Poll Voting Machine & Process Demonstration

As posted before on this site:

"Two members of the group, Americans For Verifiable Elections - which is part of the Vote In Sunshine coalition - were asked to leave the demonstration of the Iowa Straw Poll voting process which included a review of the Diebold machines in question. They were asked to leave after they asked the basic question about whether the paper ballots were going to be counted."

John Birch Society Blatently Misleads or Lies About Our Vote In Sunshine Exit Poll

The John Birch Society just published an article, "Final Observations on Ron Paul and the Iowa Straw Poll" which attempts to divert attention away the issue of vote fraud in Ames while either misleading our lying about our Vote In Sunshine effort as follows:

By Brian Farmer
Published: 2007-08-16 21:40

"Ron Paul's fifth place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll is being called into question by some of his supporters, as voting machine failures and fuzzy figures raise suspicions of vote fraud. But potential vote fraud wasn't the only matter that was worthy of concern at this year's event in Ames."

Brian was either 1) misled, 2) didn't check his facts or 3) deliberately lied when he wrote:

"It’s claimed that some exit polls even showed that Ron Paul had won. However, sources who attended the Iowa Straw Poll said that the Ron Paul exit pollers were obvious supporters of the Ron Paul campaign, hence, supporters of other campaigns might not have spoken to them, and might have even avoided them."

The Vote In Sunshine Coalition would like to ask Brian:

1) Who were your "sources"? Did you call them to confirm this?

2) What specific evidence to you have that the Vote In Sunshine volunteers identified themselves as "Ron Paul exit pollers" to individuals exiting the polls in Ames Iowa Straw poll voting rooms?

3) If Vote In Sunshine volunteers were "obvious supporters of Ron Paul" and "supporters of other campaigns might not have spoken to them...and might have even avoided them" then how do you account for the fact that the majority of the votes (63%) we confirmed in our exit poll came from individuals who voted for the other candidates? That is, 565 out of 897 (63%) votes as follows:

Here's the listing - as it appeared on our real - ie. hand written - yellow paper list of our manual exit poll paper vote count from yesterday:

Ron Paul 332
Tom Tancredo 150
Mikw Huckabee 187
Fred Thompson 8
Tommy Thompson 39
Mitt Romney 90
Duncan Hunter 12
Hillary Clinton 1
John McCain 5
Sam Brownback 62
John Cox 4
Dennis Kucinich 1
Rudy Giuliani 6
Total 897

You can read more about how we counted our votes in this exit poll - which we have never claimed is "scientific" - at this link.

Read more here.

Editor's Note: We have never claimed that our exit poll was/is in any way "scientific", but if we had 200-300 volunteers on the ground in Ames we could have had a fighting chance to obtain 4000-5000 affidavits and/or vote verification cards.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ron Paul comes in 3rd in Illinois Straw Poll Today 8/16

The Results:1. Mitt Romney -- 40.35%2. Fred Thompson -- 19.96%3. Ron Paul -- 18.87%4. Rudy Giuliani -- 11.61%5. John McCain -- 4.12%6. Mike Huckabee -- 3.04%7. Sam Brownback -- 1.08%8. Duncan Hunter -- .65%9. Tom Tancredo -- .33%

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Editor's Note:
Hat Tip Chrissay over on to who wrote:

To quote one of my friends,

"Makes you wonder about the straw poll in Iowa when Paul came in behind Romney, Huckabee, Brownback, and Tancredo. after "delayed results. Diebold voting machines should be illegal, bottom line."

PS. Exhausted from our first project at the Iowa Straw Poll in Ames on August 11th, the Vote In Sunshine Coalition did not have a team set up to monitor, do exit polls or video/record the proceedings at the first Illinois Straw Poll. However, the results in Illinois seem to be more "in line" with the tenor/tone/of what we experienced on the ground in Ames.

We The People Counted The Votes In The Sunshine!

Dede Farrell reviews the results of our manual exit poll vote verification project. Voters who supported ALL the candidates participated in this poll, not just the supporters of Ron Paul as some have claimed.

Read more here.

Diebold Ads

Diebold Variations:
I came into possession of the image of Stalin casting a vote, and wondered what the ghastly old fellow might have made of the new touchscreen voting technology. A magazine ad suggested itself, and then another, and another... They're arranged here in the order conceived; after two days inspiration flagged, and I elected not to force the muse further (although I've added another dozen at the end of 2005). Here's my attempt at a legal disclaimer. The images may be reproduced, but I retain my copyright, so please include the copyright credit—for choice, "(c)2004-06 Rand Careaga/salamander.eps" in text, please—and I'd appreciate being advised of use in advance. Also, it's convenient if your re-use includes the text string "Diebold Variations," and I greatly prefer it if there's a link back to this page. Comments are welcome (rcareaga auf mac splotch com—spambots everywhere, damn it. Somewhat desultorily maintained blog is here). Don't forget to vote!

Read more here.

Editor's Note:
Please spread these images far and wide!

Feedback From ElectionReform-165 Meetup Group


they can not win.
Thus the slogan of PACE:

"Assure Clean Elections... otherwise, what's the point?"

Read more here.



August 16, 2007

Here is the problem with Dr. Ron Paul having a good showing in his OWN STATE OF TEXAS. The only people who can vote in the Texas Straw Poll are people who have been delegates in the past! IN other words, I, a Texas Republican cannnot go to Fort Worth on Sept 1 and vote for Dr. Ron Paul in my own state. Doesnt everyone see a problem with this?? Read more here.

Audio Moblog With Walter Reddy

This morning we got a call from Walter Reddy, one of the founders of the "Vote In Sunshine Project". Here's a brief interview about Walter's interview with Alex Jones on Tuesday and many other matters relating to this effort since he came back from Ames as follows:

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MP3 File Bird Dogged Our Vote In Sunshine Effort

Two articles were posted by Reason Magazine regarding our efforts which were quite humorous and seemed to be more an attempt to document some kind of direct link/connection between Vote In Sunshine and Ron Paul's campaign:

I need to knock down a rumor: Ron Paul's campaign is not challenging any results from Ames. Jonah Goldberg links to an IHT story that reports:

"The voting machine delay may have added fuel to the fire of some Ron Paul supporters who had sought to block voting at the event because of the machines. They filed a federal lawsuit on the constitutionality of the voting process this week and argued that the vote-counting machines had fundamental weaknesses."

The key phrase is "some Ron Paul supporters." Those supporters are members or affiliates of and Vote In Sunshine. Vote In Sunshine members typically voted for Paul and wore yellow t-shirts that looked a lot like the regular Paul shirts, but they had little to do with the campaign. Rep. Paul, whom I spoke to today, confirmed that the campaign is not worried about the vote count, asked "vote fraud" watchers to drop a pre-vote lawsuit, and has nothing to do with any post-hoc challenges. Read more here.

Here's the second article:

Some of the Paul people were disappointed—none of them were crushed. The truly happy supporters were the Vote in Sunshine guys, who clustered in the middle of the room in front of the camera risers and excitedly chatted about the strategizing ahead. I pulled Fred Smart aside to ask him if he was disappointed in a fifth place showing. “I think you can see that Ron Paul has the momentum,” he said. He left and the rest of his group returned to buzzing about drivers’ licenses that didn’t scan, riggable voting machines, and mysterious computer delays.

That was in front of the cameras risers. Right behind them, a few steps away, the beaming Mike Huckabee had arrived into a five-man deep reporter scrum. He smiled into an array of cameras, boom mics and tiny Olympus recorders. “For all intents and purposes, we won the Straw Poll,” he said, credibly. Meanwhile the fraud-watchers, all of them Ron Paul voters, were bragging about how they’d stood out in the sun verifying votes.Read more here.

Iowa Voters For Open And Transparent Elections Comments About Our "Audit" and The Republican "Audit"

Bizarre “Audits” At GOP Straw Poll

August 11th, 2007

Two bizarre “audits” of today’s straw poll in Ames were announced –one to cast doubt on the process and one to soothe fears of skeptical voters. Neither audit could accomplish much of anything.

The official Republican “audit” was being conducted by the state auditor David Vaudt. I inquired as to how it would work. My question was answered by a county auditor who had volunteered to help out and was supervising the 6 Diebold scanners in Hilton Coliseum. He said that at some point one of the six scanners would be opened and its stack of ballots would be counted to determine that the number of ballots matched the machine’s count of ballots that had been deposited.

No ballots would actually be examined. The audit would not show that the machine had properly read the pencil mark on the ballot or that it had properly totalled the ballots marked for each candidate. It would only show that the machine contained the number of ballots that its indicator screen claimed.
Read more here.

WTP Takes Action Against Vote Fraud: Diebold Vote Machines Fail In Iowa

The Voting Machines Failed

August 15, 2007

As Plaintiffs had predicted, there were indeed significant problems counting the votes cast at Saturday's Iowa Straw Poll.

After delaying the release of the voting results an hour and a forty minutes beyond the planned 7 PM announcement time, state election officials were forced to admit repeatedly to the press that there were vote machine malfunctions and that (at least) 10% of the ballots had to be counted by hand.

By using the flawed Diebold machines and by tabulating the totals behind closed doors, Iowa election officials have caused significant confusion, frustration and distrust of the results.

Unfortunately, because the Straw Poll has been well established as an early and influential political event in culling the field of presidential candidates, the inability of Iowa election officials to secure a constitutionally verifiable vote will leave an enduring legacy upon our entire nation. Read more here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ron Paul Wins Iowa Straw Poll on YouTube

What's the #1 most viewed, top rated, most discussed, and top favorite News and Politics video on YouTube?This one: Ron Paul's Speech at Iowa Straw Poll

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Audio Moblog With Jim Condit, Jr. - Continuing Our Post Iowa Straw Poll Update

The main topic of today's interview is:

The behavior of the paid employees of the Ron Paul Campaign

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''DAN RATHER REPORTS'' to Present Conclusive Evidence of Voting Machine Failures

Sunday August 12, 5:24 pm ET

Screener Clip of Controversial Findings Now Available for Download


What: This Tuesday, DAN RATHER REPORTS presents conclusive evidence of the failure of touch screen voting machines across the country. The episode, "The Trouble with Touch Screens", is an entire hour devoted to new information on this story. From scientists involved in testing the equipment, to manufacturers in third world countries who shipped these defective voting machines to the United States DAN RATHER REPORTS will present new information showing that these defective machines may have altered the outcome of multiple elections. Read more here.

Watch the video-trailer below:

Editor's Note:
We The People have pulled the curtain on the election fraud Wizard. The days of breathing his smoke, fire and fear are over. It's HIGH time to DEMAND a return to "voting in sunshine" - ie. using and counting paper ballots in the sunshine the old fashioned way, by hand, while We The People - and the youtube video cameras - are rolling!

Jim Condit, Jr.'s E-Wire: Ron Paul Defrauded By Iowa GOP


August 14, 2007 NA (Network America) e-wire


This e-wire / report ultimately makes two points:

1. The voting process at the Iowa Straw Poll was a fraud, wrapped in lies. (Whenever those running any kind of an election use police power to hide all the ballots from the people, and then announce results (?) when supposedly (?) only they have seen the ballots - those people are frauds, are acting like Stalin-esque tyrants, and their organization is a fraud. Read more here.

Editor's Note:
Jim Condit, Jr., founder of "Citizens For A Fair Vote Count", was on the ground with a team of "Vote In Sunshine" volunteers who, in addition to videoing the experience, counted the votes with manual "clickers" and conducted a private exit poll with affidavits and vote vertification cards.

Iowa Straw Poll Fraud : Ron Paul

Earnest Hancock's "Insiders View" and Comments On The Iowa Straw Poll

This interview of Earnest Hancock - one day after the Straw Poll - provides a great sense of "what really happened" in Ames at the Iowa Straw Poll. He comments on the problems with Diebold voting machines and the need for a fair and accurate manual hand count of the straw poll ballots - which we know will never happen unless We The People DEMAND it!

Vote In Sunshine Wasn't The Only Special Interest Group At The Straw Poll

Ames provides venue for interest groups


August 11, 2007

Special interest groups have peppered the area around Hilton Coliseum, site of today's Republican Party straw poll, advocating for such issues as pro-life and pro-guns. Read more here and here.

Editor's Note:
There were many groups that were unregistered without a formal booth who were on the ground at the Iowa Straw Poll. We were the only such group who were targeted for repression of our message. More videos that document this repression will be forthcoming.

Just For The Record: Judge keeps straw poll's computerized voting machines

Judge keeps straw poll's computerized voting machines


August 11, 2007

A federal judge shot down a request from a group of Iowans who wanted ballots at today's Republican straw poll to be stored in clear plastic containers, then hand counted. They distrust computerized voting machines.Read more here and here.

Iowa: Ames Straw Poll Holdup Shows Why Paper Ballots Are Best

By Iowans for Voting Integrity

August 13, 2007

Reported problems with one of the paper ballot scanners used in the Ames Republican Presidential straw poll reveal that touchscreen voting machines, on the defensive nationally and on their way out in Story County itself, are no match for voter-marked paper ballots.

“They had a problem with the voting equipment, and they had individual, durable paper ballots to ready to count by hand,” said Sean Flaherty, co-chair of Iowans for Voting Integrity. The Ames straw poll used only paper ballots counted by optical scan equipment. “Problems with election equipment always happen. Paper ballot systems offer the best backup.” Read more here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Analysis Of Our Vote In Sunshine Exit Poll

Disinter wrote:

Ron Paul wins Iowa exit poll

August 14th, 2007

Vote In Sunshine conducted an exit poll at the Iowa straw poll...

It appears the results were mostly in-line with the “official” poll, with the exception of Paul, Romney and Brownback:

Read more here.

Very Interesting Comment About Our "Thumbs Up?" Video

We posted this video:

And received this VERY interesting response as follows:

Comments & Responses

Post a video response
Post a text comment

khendrixx (1 hour ago)

"Did you know that if you got any of that INK on your ballot that is was voided and NOT counted? I was informed of this when I was handed my ballot but yet noone else in my group was informed this. Needless to say they had Ron Paul stickers right on the front of their shirts and Mine was on my back...A Little Odd, huh? How many peoples went uncounted due to this?"


Is there anyone who had a similar experience?

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Are You For A Fair And Accurate Vote? Paper Voting?

We tried to have fun during the day with this "Vote In Sunshine" initiative. Volunteers from different campaigns reacted differently as this video demonstrates.

Romney Jokes About Cheating in Iowa Poll, Dodging Questions

Another for the record:

Garance Franke-Ruta: Romney is secretly recorded saying, "There were some truly awful questions. But I tried to dodge most of those. And I'll keep on doing that as long as I can."

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Editor's Note: Here's another link to more information related to this story.

Straw Poll Results Delayed Due To Voting Machine Malfunction

For the record:

11 Aug 2007 08:25 pm

AMES -- The announcement of tonight's straw poll results has been delayed due to what one informed source says was a voting machine malfunction. About 4,500 ballots had to be re-run. We are waiting....

There are 158+ comments in the thread to this article, including this one which should raise a pretty alarming red flag as follows:

I am a programmer who has written for optical scanners. What number do you want? No problem.

As for the re-scanned vote cards - did someone manually delete the results of the first scan? See how easy it is to re-count to get the results you want?

Paper ballots and hand counting at the precinct level is the only way to assure a clean vote - with random audits and jail time for violators of course.

Posted by Win | August 12, 2007 8:44 AM v


Read more here.

See Who's Editing Wikipedia - Diebold, the CIA, a Campaign

On November 17th, 2005, an anonymous Wikipedia user deleted 15 paragraphs from an article on e-voting machine-vendor Diebold, excising an entire section critical of the company's machines. While anonymous, such changes typically leave behind digital fingerprints offering hints about the contributor, such as the location of the computer...

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Ron Paul Supporters Were Right to Be Worried About Diebold To Tally Votes

While GOP candidate Mitt Romney may have walked away with a winning edge in the Iowa Straw Poll, Diebold was true to form as their voting system failed to count ballots correctly. As the Des Moines Register is reporting two of Diebold's optical scanners failed and 1500 paper ballots had to be manually recounted by hand...

read more | digg story Cites Our Vote In Sunshine Exit Poll

Evidence Suggests Ron Paul Was Cheated

A host of curious events at the Iowa Straw Poll at the weekend has raised questions as to whether there was some kind of tampering with the final vote count, with evidence to suggest Ron Paul may have been wrongly placed in fifth position behind Mitt Romney and three second tier candidates.

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Audio Moblog Interview With Jim Condit, Jr.: Breaking News Of "Smoking Gun" Evidence

As of 2 pm central this story is pending confirmation - see the final PS. note below:

Jim Condit shares breaking information that came from one of our Vote In Sunsine volunteers based in California - ie. the fact that 1) the Ron Paul campaign passed out 800 "free" tickets ONLY to Iowans who were on the ground at the Ames Iowa Straw Poll and were committed to voting for Ron Paul; and 2) that there was/is an "Adopt An Iowan" program which raised over $22,500 - or 642 tickets @ $35 each - to provide straw poll tickets to Iowans who were "on the ground" at the Straw Poll and were committed to voting for Dr. Paul.

800 + 643 tickets = 1443 tickets which is 138 more than the "unofficial" - fake, machine count - vote total of 1305 for Ron Paul announced by the Iowa GOP and the Iowa State auditor's office.

What does this mean?

It means that We The People of America are being asked to believe something so incredible that it defies reason - 1) 138 tickets were given to individuals who claimed to be supporters of Ron Paul, but who betrayed his trust and either didn't vote or threw away their tickets; and 2) ZERO/NADA/ZILCH supporters of Ron Paul who lived in Iowa and who were there "on the ground" at the 2007 Ames Iowa Straw Poll paid $35 out of their own pocket to support and vote for Ron Paul.

Given the incredible grassroots enthusiasm and energy behind the supporters of Ron Paul in Iowa and throughout the nation, to believe Iowans were too cheap to support and vote for Dr. Paul is really just too hard to believe. At least 100-200+ Ron Paul supporters drove from all over the country to be in Ames this past weekend. To believe that Iowans supporters of Ron Paul were less dedicated flies against everything we know about the energy, power and truth behind this campaign.

Please listen and share the link to this interview far and wide!

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Editor's Note: We are going to try to nail down this story with more feedback from the operators of the "Adopt An Iowan" program. We are also going to question members of Ron Paul's Iowan campaign on what checks were instituted by the campaign to prevent leakage of their 800 tickets to Iowans who were either unable to attend the Straw Poll or who were not supporters of Dr. Paul

We talked to one of the staffers of Ron Paul's Iowa campaign this morning about this and will be providing them with updates going forward.

PS. We have made contact with a friend of a friend of the founder of the Adopt An Iowa program and word is that they were unable to distribute the total number of potential tickets in this program. We are waiting for a call back from the founder and will report back what we learn. Word is that perhaps 200-300 of the potential tickets for the Adopt An Iowa program where not purchased and distributed.

Ron Paul Wins Exit Poll for Iowa Straw Poll

DMGordon over on submitted this story which features our "Vote In Sunshine" exit poll as follows:

Ron Paul won the Vote In Sunshine exit poll taken at the Iowa Straw Poll this past Saturday. The exit poll was taken by 6% of all straw poll voters. The exit poll also showed that 15,000 votes in total were cast -- this total is more than the figure of 14,302 printed in the Des Moines Register.

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Vote In Sunshine's "Headquarters" Inside Smith Park

We will be posting a short video tour of our "headquarters" which will include more comments from Jim Condit, Jr. about how the Iowa GOP tried to repress our efforts to pass out literature throughout the day. Here's the video:

Here's another view:

Jim Condit, Jr. On The Old Media At The Iowa Straw Poll

Members of the Old Media were treated like kings and queens - with preferred seating and access to the floor of the Hilton Coliseum. Jim comments more... that all of this power was present, yet the reporters serving this power refuse to ask the simple-important questions about the need to access, secure and manually count - and save/store - the paper ballots in the open with cameras and We The People watching.

Jim Condit, Jr. On The Old Media At The Iowa Straw Poll - Part 2

Thumbs Up?

We examine the longevity of pink magenta ink used by the Iowa GOP to prevent individuals from voting more than once.

We were surprised at how the color was more skin-like than what we were originally expecting after hearing references to the use of the color purple, etc.

Vote Machine Malfunction in Iowa Raise Hackles?

The Iowa Independent blog carried the news after 9PM EST, as follows: “The Iowa GOP just confirmed that one voting machine malfunctioned during today's Straw Poll, and some 1,500 ballots must be recounted by hand. We will keep you up to date with information as it comes in. As yet, the GOP has not released an estimate of how much longer we will have to wait for results.”The malfunction may well give rise to suspicions in the following days – that the vote was somehow “rigged,” or that certain votes were not counted properly.

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More Comments From Jim Condit, Jr. From The Iowa Straw Poll

Jim Condit, Jr. comments about the fact that there is no Giuliani or McCain presence at all on the floor of the Hilton Coliseum and very little - if any - support or presence from Mitt Romney supporters as we waited for the "unofficial" - ie. fake, machine count - results of the Iowa Straw Poll to be announced. Jim also shares a bit of a conversation he had with Carl Cameron with Fox News who commented that he didn't find any problem if the citizens can't see or count the ballots on election day. To quote Carl Cameron according to Jim (roughly): "He pretends he cannot see a problem with them not letting the citizens or the reporters not seeing the ballots on election day."

Vote In Sunshine: "This Is About Freedom!"

As we were waiting patiently - over 2 hours and 14 minutes - for the "unofficial" - ie. fake, machine count - vote totals for the 2007 Iowa Straw Poll, Congressman Steve King from Iowa's 5th District took the words right out of our mouths and to the cheers from many supporters of Ron Paul said:

"This is about freedom. This effort here is about freedom. It’s about taking back your freedom. It’s about taking this country back from the people who have been in fact slowing rolling it towards socialism."

Where Are The Ballots??

Jim Condit, Jr., founder of Citizens For A Fair Vote Count, was caught scratching his head after he raised his voice from the floor of the Hilton Coliseum yelling once or twice "Where Are The Ballots?"

As a nation of concerned citizens who want to rebuild and leave a better world for our children and their children's children we must raise our voices to the heavens and chant over and over and over again:




And we must worked together to make sure we get this question answered once and for all so that, together, we can make and leave a better world for our posterity.

Walter Reddy From Vote In Sunshine Interviewed By AP News

At the end of the day while we were waiting patiently on the main floor of the Hilton Coliseum Walter Reddy, one of our main Vote In Sunshine volunteer coordinators, was interviewed briefly by a woman who said she was from AP News. There was a lot of talk "in the air" about the problems with 1 and/or 2 Diebold machines and members of the Old Media were writing and publishing news stories - at least a dozen by our count which we have saved - about problems with the voting machines, etc. By the following morning, once the senior editors/bosses had their way, many of these stories were "scrubbed" - ie. removed - from their respective sites

Monday, August 13, 2007

Announcing The Unofficial Results Of The Iowa Straw Poll

The Iowa GOP - with their head in the electronic sand - refused to manually count the the paper ballots in the sunshine with video cameras and the appropriate observers. This announcement is void of any real meaning unless and until they manually count all the paper ballots. And it might be too late for the original paper ballots could have been corrupted by now as, according to the Iowa GOP, we do not know when/if or where they are being stored.

Malfunctioning Voting Machines Run By Romney Team Member At Iowa Poll

Ron Paul supporters were angered at this weekend's straw poll in Iowa by the fact that Diebold voting machines once again malfunctioned and caused significant delays in the count, coupled with the fact that a Mitt Romney team member was placed in charge of overseeing the voting procedure.

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Ron Paul Wins Ames Iowa Tribune's Online Poll In A Landslide

Strib Poll results


Nearly 6,000 visitors to the Tribune Web site voted in the very unscientific Strib Poll, selecting their favorite among 11 GOP candidates seeking to be the party's presidential nominee.

The poll was conducted Thursday through 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, closing on the day of the state Republican party's fund-raising Straw Poll.

Getting the largest number of votes on the unofficial Strib Poll was Ron Paul, with 4,809 votes or 84.5 precent of the 5,694 votes tallied. Read more here.

Editor's Note:
Ron Paul has historically and consistantly beaten all of his Republican challengers in online polls since he announced his candidacy for President. Now why can't the Iowa GOP get around to certifying the Iowa Straw Poll results with a manual count of the paper ballots?

Be Sure To Buy This Book Now!!

Click here to buy the book and read more.


Watch this video which we posted earlier today NOW!!

Can we Trust the Iowa Straw Poll Results?

While the Iowa Republican party Straw Poll will capture votes on the same type of electronic voting machine that were decertified in California on Friday of last week and found to be "flawed" in a Florida study , party officials have stated that they have no plans to manfully count the ballots.

"Of course, said our election industry expert, "the best way to confirm the accuracy of the tally is to conduct a 100% manual count of the paper ballots with independent observers as monitors."

read more | digg story

Editor's Note: It's official:



Trying To Bring Sunshine Into The Vote Castle

Jim Condit, Jr. conducts an investigation to try to determine if We The People can film what actually happens to the Diebold machines once the polls close at the Iowa Straw Poll.

Trying To Bring Sunshine Into The Vote Castle - Part 2

Jim Condit, Jr. continues his quest to try to see if the public can film the process of how the voting machines are secured after voting at the Iowa Straw Poll 2007 is over.

Trying To Bring Sunshine Into The Vote Castle - Part 3

Jim Condit, Jr. continues in his attempt to shine light into the Iowa Straw Poll Vote Castle. Tempers get pretty hot and heavy on both sides.

Jim asks: 1) Why can't we film/document what happens to the machines after the poll closes?; 2) what law requires that these processes be hidden from the public?

Trying To Bring Sunshine Into The Vote Castle - Part 4

Jim Condit Jr. completes our first attempt to shed light on what happens to the Diebold machines once the Iowa Straw Poll closes.


Beware of the deception behind HR 811 which is being fast-tracked through Congress. Read and share this video with everyone far and wide!!

From the video:

“The Black Box Voting ‘hacking team’ was brough in there to examine OPTICAL SCAN COUNTERS [just like the ones used in the Ames Iowa Straw Poll] that are used to count PAPER BALLOTS, and it was found that, within minutes, the memory card that holds all the vote totals could be switched out TO HACK AND MANIPULATE AN ELECTION.”

JUST SAY NO TO HR 811 - My (47) God (764) = 811 prime!!

Audio Moblog With Jim Condit Jr.

Jim Condit Jr., founder of "Citizens For A Fair Vote Count", spent a good deal of time recapping for our supporters what went on this weekend in Ames Iowa. Thanks to everyone for your continued help and support. Please spread this interview and links to this website/blog far and wide!

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New Media Smells A Rat: "What Really Happened" To The Other 12,000 Voters?


August 13, 2007

26,000 total Tickets sold - 14,302 votes tabulated
Now think about that for a minute. 26,000 people purchase tickets to go to a Straw Poll event, and yet we are to believe that 12,000 of those people couldn’t even care less about the voting part? Just what were they there for?

I don't buy it. This is not believable. An Investigation is needed here.
I don't need an investigation.

This straw poll was a fraud. Anyone wants to say otherwise, the burden of proof is on them. - M. R. Read more here.

Editor's Note: The Iowa GOP knew as of the eve of the Straw Poll - thanks to 1 or 2 confirmed plants who attended our planning meeting at the Holiday Inn - that our Vote In Sunshine volunteers would be manually counting with hand-clickers the number of individuals exiting from each of the 3 voting stations. Perhaps this was enough to cause them to stop Plan A - ie. stuffing the ballot box - and revert to Plan B which we'd still like to know about. What We The People of America DO KNOW is that the results of the Iowa Straw Poll still have yet to be confirmed for the Iowa GOP the Iowa State auditors have yet to conduct a manuel count of the paper ballots in the open/sunshine.

We The People Counted Our Votes "In The Sunshine!"

We posted this earlier:

Dede Farrell, one of our Vote In Sunshine Coalition team members poses by the "hand count" total of our exit poll conducted yesterday at the Iowa Straw Poll. 897 individuals signed affadavits and/or a vote verification card which looks like this:

Vote In Sunshine coalition volunteers were all dressed in t-shirts - some of which were plastered with buttons and stickers from all of the campaigns. We were received very positively by the vast majority of individuals attending the straw poll as well as many of the volunteers working for the various campaigns. There was a bit of concern from some individuals who had read the press or listened to the WHO interview with Bob Schulz and Jim Condit about the lawsuit, but when we described what our main goal was - ie. achieving fair and accurate voting processes in America by returning to the use of and counting/saving/storing of paper ballots -
most of these individuals came around in a positive way to support our effort with words of encouragement. Here's a picture of one of the t-shirts were wore in the sweltering 90-95+ degree heat yesterday:

Here's the listing - as it appeared on our real - ie. hand written - yellow paper list of our manual exit poll paper vote count from yesterday:

Ron Paul 332
Tom Tancredo 150
Mikw Huckabee 187
Fred Thompson 8
Tommy Thompson 39
Mitt Romney 90
Duncan Hunter 12
Hillary Clinton 1
John McCain 5
Sam Brownback 62
John Cox 4
Dennis Kucinich 1
Rudy Giuliani 6
Total 897

Clicking Votes 15,000

Editor's Note:
"Clicking Votes" refers to our manual effort to observe throughout the day the number of individuals exiting from the three voting stations in the Hilton Coliseum, Sheman and Stephen centers/halls. Vote In Sunshine volunteers possessed hand counters - ie. "clickers" as we called them - and clicked the counter once for every individual exiting. According to the today's Des Moines Register - page 1 - 14,302 individuals voted in yesterday's straw poll which was just 698 votes shy of our manual estimate. The 897 votes we counted/verified amounted to exactly 6 % of the total votes cast in the Iowa Straw Poll

We will be soon be posting a video of how we voted in the sunshine while we were gathered in gardens of Smith Park right across the street from the Hilton Coliseum in Ames Iowa.